A Sassy Saturday ~ Send In The Clowns

It doesn’t get any better than this.

Sarah Vaughan will always be my Idol. There was nobody that had a set of pipes like hers. Nobody

There were many great singers, Ella Fitzgerald, Judy Garland, Linda Hopkins, Barbara Streisand, Billy Holiday……….Even a Hippie that came from the 1960s with her own unique raspy style of blues, Janis Joplin. And I could go on and on. There has been hundreds both female and male, from my parents generation through my own.

Yet in my opinion there still has never been a person that can capture the essence of perfection with such a wide range of phrasing. From the highest of notes to the lowest all in one breath with the deepest and smoothest vibrato I ever have had the pleasure of hearing.

Ironically it was a Billy Holiday song that got my hooked on Sassy when I was 14. ” Lover Man “.

But never has there been a song that has had me more mesmerized when listening then ” Send In The Clowns ” from this lady.

It is magical, spectacular, a mind altering trip without a single drug. She earned the title ” The Divine One “.

This was Sassy Sarah Vaughan and no one has ever came close.

~ The Song is a Masterpiece ~ The Singer is a Gem. ~ Stephen Sondheim

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Filed under Broadway, Entertainment, Jazz, MUSIC, Music History, Song of the Day

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